Monday, December 1, 2008

Ode to Dr. Seuss

It started at first over a period of years....
Some bitching and moaning, a collection of jeers.

I marched off to counseling for some unknown reason
To discover, at last, it was some sort of season.

A collection of memories so dark and so scary
Came out of my mind It was really quite eerie.

I said, "Oh no, really, this couldn't be true."
But, my counselor said, "Dear, this really is you."

So, I plowed through those stories week after dim week.
And, the horror kept growing looking bleaker and bleak.

I climbed up vast mountains of gruesome and gore
'Til I got to the top and still there was more.

I yelled at my counselor, "You evil, mean, bitch...
Is this what you do to make yourself rich?"

She sighed and she smiled and told me she knew
In a year or two more, I'd surely get through.

So, I've paid her some thousands and more than my share.
But, I'm starting to think that some day I'll get there.

'Cause now in the nighttime when it's late and it's cold,
I have a keen feeling there's not more to be told.

Those feelings are bringing me back to myself.
And, I don't always wish they were still on the shelf.

So, horror or not, I'll get what I need
Despite that damn counselor and her mountain of greed.

Joceile 11/7/90

1 comment:

Alexis said...

I enjoy reading your poetry. Thanks for posting them. :) I love yoU!