Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Paula Pure

Paula Pure was sure
She'd never need a fur.

But, alas, when winter came,
It really was a shame.

For Paula Pure was froze
Into a frenzied pose.

Looking here and there
For something warm to wear.

Joceile 1982

Monday, December 1, 2008

Ode to Dr. Seuss

It started at first over a period of years....
Some bitching and moaning, a collection of jeers.

I marched off to counseling for some unknown reason
To discover, at last, it was some sort of season.

A collection of memories so dark and so scary
Came out of my mind It was really quite eerie.

I said, "Oh no, really, this couldn't be true."
But, my counselor said, "Dear, this really is you."

So, I plowed through those stories week after dim week.
And, the horror kept growing looking bleaker and bleak.

I climbed up vast mountains of gruesome and gore
'Til I got to the top and still there was more.

I yelled at my counselor, "You evil, mean, bitch...
Is this what you do to make yourself rich?"

She sighed and she smiled and told me she knew
In a year or two more, I'd surely get through.

So, I've paid her some thousands and more than my share.
But, I'm starting to think that some day I'll get there.

'Cause now in the nighttime when it's late and it's cold,
I have a keen feeling there's not more to be told.

Those feelings are bringing me back to myself.
And, I don't always wish they were still on the shelf.

So, horror or not, I'll get what I need
Despite that damn counselor and her mountain of greed.

Joceile 11/7/90

My Job (Song)

My job is really not so bad,
I haven't got another.
Though I might quit my job one day,
and be poor like my mother.

It's not so much the people here.
It's not their childish tricks.
I mostly hate the infant rules,
and not the stupid pricks.

So, if you hear me bitch one day,
And, I seem rather glum.
Slap my back and smile at me...
And remind me of my mum.


The File Clerk

Never more than a file clerk,
I knew my boss to be a jerk.

Never one to doubt the wiser,
I called that ass a stupidvisor.


April 1

This is the past voice from April 1
You thought I’d forgot, you son of a gun.

This little poem is to tell you how
I so appreciate you, especially now.
When I need a little time to talk
You listen kindly and don’t tell me to walk.

We all have our meetings and quietly chuckle
Instead of crying and biting our knuckle.
So be happy and celebrate this very fine day
It’s exactly one month before the beginning of May.


The Gentle Wind

She was the most valuable creature that I ever met. 
The feelings she generated could not be undone. 
The Gentle Wind, my little child, meant more to me 
Than woman, man, child, pet, friend or anyone. 

I love you, I whispered. I repeated night and day. 
You mean so much to me, I don’t have words to say. 
My eyes fill with tears just uttering this much. 
My Gentle Wind, my loving child, I love you so much. 

She grows before my eyes from infant to woman. 
I can run through my mind each stage of her growth. 
The cuddler, the player, the walker, the singer. 
I want her free and with me. 
I can’t have both. 

She leaves for college in less than three months. 
My Gentle Wind, my sweetheart, my heart on my sleeve. 
I know you must go, I wouldn’t try to stop you. 
You just must understand, I will cry when you leave. 

I know you’ll grow to be dazzling. 
Someone I admire. 
Your feelings all powerful, your drive like a fire. 
My eyes fill with tears just uttering this much.
My Gentle Wind, my loving child, I love you so much.”


The Monster

There were monsters of comically, outrageous arrangements
Of hands, legs, and arms, and weapons of containment.

I sat there just looking, not sure what to do
Until one of them saw me and said, “Who are you?”

I sat up fiercely and strongly, I said,
“I’m my mother’s worst nightmare, and no I’m not dead.”

The monster was puzzled why I brought up a death.
I knew he was a killer, I could smell it on his breath.

“Now, now, little person. I’m not after you.
I’m after that bad man who cursed you at two.”

“Well, you’re on the wrong foot, that bad man is dead.
And, hey, by the way, why are you holding your head?”

“Oh, I have had this damn pain for a fortnight of years,
It pounds on my head just behind my two ears.”

By this time, I was feeling a little less scared,
I thought, this monster was less mean than he dared.

“Oh monster, I wish, I had an answer for you,
But, I had those headaches for 14 years too.”

We puzzled together and exchanged magic cures.
Then, the monster stopped growling which saved all my nerves.

I looked at him closely. He looked back at me.
Then, he crawled back under my bed,
And we both went to sleep.

So, when I am frightened, I look them up close
And, I find that my fears are just memories of ghosts.

Joceile 7/30/07

I Couldn't Love You More

Dear One:

I couldn’t love you more
If I had known you since your first 30 seconds on the planet.
I did.

I couldn’t love you more
If you were my own flesh and blood.
You are.

I couldn’t love you more
If I had watched you grow through every age.
I did.

I couldn’t love you more
If I laid awake at night with you as you fell asleep.
I did.

I couldn’t love you more
If we played together in the sand at a beach cabin in the summer heat.
We did.

I couldn’t love you more
If we wrote books together and made movies.
We did.

I couldn’t love you more
If you were the most beautiful woman on earth or the most brilliant.
Aren’t you?

I couldn’t love you more
If you and I climbed the highest mountain together and survived.
We survived other things.

I couldn’t love you more
If I thought of you each day when I look upon the lake.
I do.

I couldn’t love you more, because you are you
The woman/child of my dreams
The blessed soul of my heart.

I couldn’t love you more, because I do
Forever and always love you more.

